Kontima - Brochures
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Feroglide maintenance free bearingsFeroglide maintenance free bearingsFeroglide maintenance free bearings
Sliding bearingsSliding bearingsSliding bearings
Sintered bronze bearingsSintered bronze bearingsSintered bronze bearings
Plastic bearings (polyamide)Plastic bearings (polyamide)Plastic bearings (polyamide)
Hardened steel bearingsHardened steel bearingsHardened steel bearings
Feroform composite bearingsFeroform composite bearingsFeroform composite bearings
Hardened steel bushingsHardened steel bushingsHardened steel bushings
Solid lubricant bronze bearingsSolid lubricant bronze bearingsSolid lubricant bronze bearings
Solid bronze bearingsSolid bronze bearingsSolid bronze bearings
Levelling feetLevelling feetLevelling feet
FATH main catalogue, accessories for aluminum profile systemsFATH main catalogue, accessories for aluminum profile systemsFATH main catalogue, accessories for aluminum profile systems
Knobs, handles, clamping levers and handgripsKnobs, handles, clamping levers and handgripsKnobs, handles, clamping levers and handgrips
Bäcker PlacoCap: Protective elementsBäcker PlacoCap: Protective elementsBäcker PlacoCap: Protective elements
Bäcker PlacoGrip: Control elementsBäcker PlacoGrip: Control elementsBäcker PlacoGrip: Control elements
Bäcker PlacoTec: Standard elementsBäcker PlacoTec: Standard elementsBäcker PlacoTec: Standard elements
HEYD angle joints, clevises and bolts, spherical washersHEYD angle joints, clevises and bolts, spherical washersHEYD angle joints, clevises and bolts, spherical washers
HEYD universal joints, profiled transmission shaftsHEYD universal joints, profiled transmission shaftsHEYD universal joints, profiled transmission shafts
HEYD ball joints, tie rods, steering rodsHEYD ball joints, tie rods, steering rodsHEYD ball joints, tie rods, steering rods
ROSTA rubber suspension units, complete catalogueROSTA rubber suspension units, complete catalogueROSTA rubber suspension units, complete catalogue
ROSTA tensionersROSTA tensionersROSTA tensioners
ROSTA rubber suspension unitsROSTA rubber suspension unitsROSTA rubber suspension units
ROSTA oscillating mountingsROSTA oscillating mountingsROSTA oscillating mountings
ROSTA anti vibration mountingsROSTA anti vibration mountingsROSTA anti vibration mountings
ROSTA motorbasesROSTA motorbasesROSTA motorbases
ROSTA general technical informationROSTA general technical informationROSTA general technical information
Anti vibration mountsAnti vibration mountsAnti vibration mounts
Rubber bushingsRubber bushingsRubber bushings
McGill cam followers, metric sizesMcGill cam followers, metric sizesMcGill cam followers, metric sizes
McGill cam followers, inch sizesMcGill cam followers, inch sizesMcGill cam followers, inch sizes
McGill cam followers, stainless steel editionMcGill cam followers, stainless steel editionMcGill cam followers, stainless steel edition
EICH spring bushing bearingsEICH spring bushing bearingsEICH spring bushing bearings
KONTIMA sliding support bearingsKONTIMA sliding support bearingsKONTIMA sliding support bearings
Transport ball bearingsTransport ball bearingsTransport ball bearings
ASK roller bearingsASK roller bearingsASK roller bearings
Radial sealsRadial sealsRadial seals
FEY laminar rings and locking ringsFEY laminar rings and locking ringsFEY laminar rings and locking rings
ASKUBAL rod ends and spherical bearingsASKUBAL rod ends and spherical bearingsASKUBAL rod ends and spherical bearings
ASK bearing unitsASK bearing unitsASK bearing units
FLEXO couplingsFLEXO couplingsFLEXO couplings
Shaft hub connectionsShaft hub connectionsShaft hub connections
ASKUBAL rod ends and spherical bearings for motorsport applicationsASKUBAL rod ends and spherical bearings for motorsport applicationsASKUBAL rod ends and spherical bearings for motorsport applications
Spring pins, disc washers, locking washersSpring pins, disc washers, locking washersSpring pins, disc washers, locking washers